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Brightbox cloud resources can be managed completely via the RESTful HTTP API.

Full reference documentation for the API is available here.

Client software

The following software is compatible with, or features support for, the Brightbox API.

Brightbox CLI

The most mature tool for interacting with the API is the Brightbox CLI, written in Ruby. See the CLI documentation for more information. The code is available on Github.

Fog: the Ruby cloud computing library

We’ve added support for the Brightbox API to Fog “The Ruby cloud services library”.

To get started using Fog see our Getting Started with Fog Guide.

The code is available on Github.

Golang client

We maintain a client library for the GO programming language. It’s available on GitHub.


We maintain our own provider to allow management of Brightbox resources using Terraform so you can maintain your infrastructure as code. The code for the provider is on GitHub and we have a Geting started with Terraform guide.

Kubernetes cloud controller

We maintain a Cloud Controller Manager for Kubernetes, which integrates Kubernetes clusters with Brightbox, providing resource metadata and allowing auto-scaling.

Apache Libcloud

Libcloud is a standard Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs.

Chef Knife

A Knife plugin for the Brightbox API is available on GitHub.

Knife is the command-line tool which is part of the configuration management framework Chef.

Last updated: 14 Jun 2023 at 13:53 UTC

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