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Deploy an app behind a Load Balancer on Kubernetes

This guide takes you through deploying an example web application on Kubernetes, using a Brightbox Load Balancer with a Let’s Encrypt certificate.


You’ll need to have deployed a Kubernetes cluster along with our Kubernetes Cloud Controller plugin. The easiest way to do this is with our Terraform configuration.

Connect to your Kubernetes cluster

If you’re using our Terraform configuration, the master output is the public IP address of the Kubernetes master server. You can SSH into this server using your SSH key:

$ ssh ubuntu@$(terraform output -raw master)
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-111-generic x86_64)
Last login: Thu Jul 16 09:48:47 2020 from

And use kubectl on the master to inspect the cluster:

$ kubectl get nodes

srv-4dbz0   Ready    master   16m     v1.18.5
srv-5z9pu   Ready    worker   2m20s   v1.18.5
srv-hrgv1   Ready    worker   14m     v1.18.5
srv-rmfdx   Ready    worker   13m     v1.18.5

See here we have one master server and three workers.

Deploy the application

First we’ll create a deployment, which will handle creating and managing a pod for our application. We’ll use an example “hello world” rails app image that runs a rails http server and listens on port 3000.

First create a namespace called example:

$ kubectl create namespace example
namespace/example created

Then let’s define the application deployment in a file called hello-world-deployment.yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-world
  namespace: example
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-world
        app: hello-world
        - name: app
          image: brightbox/rails-hello-world
            - name: web
              containerPort: 3000
              protocol: TCP

and create it with kubectl:

$ kubectl create -f hello-world-deployment.yaml 
deployment.apps/hello-world created

And you can confirm the deployment exists and is deploying the app:

$ kubectl -n example describe deployments

Name:                   hello-world
Namespace:              example
CreationTimestamp:      Thu, 16 Jul 2020 10:00:04 +0000
Labels:                 <none>
Annotations:            deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: 1
Selector:               app=hello-world
Replicas:               1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 unavailable
StrategyType:           RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds:        0
RollingUpdateStrategy:  25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
Pod Template:
  Labels:  app=hello-world
    Image:        brightbox/rails-hello-world
    Port:         3000/TCP
    Host Port:    0/TCP
    Environment:  <none>
    Mounts:       <none>
  Volumes:        <none>
  Type           Status  Reason
  ----           ------  ------
  Available      True    MinimumReplicasAvailable
  Progressing    True    NewReplicaSetAvailable
OldReplicaSets:  <none>
NewReplicaSet:   hello-world-55bdc6fd44 (1/1 replicas created)
  Type    Reason             Age   From                   Message
  ----    ------             ----  ----                   -------
  Normal  ScalingReplicaSet  111s  deployment-controller  Scaled up replica set hello-world-55bdc6fd44 to 1

The deployment has created a pod:

$ kubectl -n example get pods
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-world-55bdc6fd44-mg5ss   1/1     Running   0          2m58s

So now the application is running and is reachable on an internal IP, from within the cluster. You can get the pod IP address and connect to port 3000 from the master and you’ll get a response:

$ kubectl -n example get pods -o wide
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP              NODE        NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
hello-world-55bdc6fd44-mg5ss   1/1     Running   0          5m15s   srv-5z9pu   <none>           <none>

$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: _hello_world_session=...
X-Request-Id: e108ce2d-bd7d-43d5-943a-5037e203157c
X-Runtime: 0.002707

But it’s not reachable from outside the cluster. That’s where a Load Balancer comes in.

Expose the app using a Load Balancer

Let’s define the load balancer service with a file called hello-world-service.yaml:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: hello-world
  namespace: example
    service.beta.kubernetes.io/brightbox-load-balancer-healthcheck-request: /
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: hello-world
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: web

and create the service with kubectl:

$ kubectl create -f hello-world-service.yaml 
service/hello-world created

Within a minute, the load balancer should be confirmed up and running:

$ kubectl -n example get services
NAME          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                       PORT(S)        AGE
hello-world   LoadBalancer   cip-109-107-40-10.gb1.brightbox.com,cip-9fx19.gb1.brightbox.com   80:31473/TCP   46s

We can see Kubernetes has created the load balancer and mapped a new Cloud IP address to it.

And now your app is reachable from anywhere:

$ curl -I http://cip-9fx19.gb1.brightbox.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: _hello_world_session...
X-Request-Id: 7df7456e-1a3e-4599-b541-28e918f1fb36
X-Runtime: 0.002784

And via IPv6 of course, as our Cloud IP addresses are both IPv4 and IPv6 now:

$ host cip-9fx19.gb1.brightbox.com
cip-9fx19.gb1.brightbox.com has address
cip-9fx19.gb1.brightbox.com has IPv6 address 2a02:1348:ffff:ffff::6d6b:280a

$ curl -I http://[2a02:1348:ffff:ffff::6d6b:280a]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: _hello_world_session...
X-Request-Id: 8cbc90ab-65f4-4203-8a2d-8ae48bd1f512
X-Runtime: 0.002928

And you can see the load balancer in Brightbox Manager, named so you can recognise it as part of the Kubernetes cluster:

Enabling SSL with a Let’s Encrypt certificate

Now let’s enable SSL acceleration on the Load Balancer and have it get a Let’s Encrypt certificate for us.

Firstly you’ll need to point a domain name at the cloud IP. In this example, the allocated Cloud IP is cip-9fx19 ( So I’ve setup helloworldexample.fdns.uk to resolve to that IP.

Then we need to modify the hello-world service and make some changes. Firstly add a listener on port 443, then add a couple of annotations. One to tell the load balancer which Cloud IP to use and another to specify the domain name. If you want to specify multiple domains for the certificate, just comma separate them here.

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: hello-world
  namespace: example
    service.beta.kubernetes.io/brightbox-load-balancer-healthcheck-request: /
    service.beta.kubernetes.io/brightbox-load-balancer-cloudip-allocations: cip-9fx19
    service.beta.kubernetes.io/brightbox-load-balancer-ssl-domains: helloworldexample.fdns.uk

  type: LoadBalancer
    app: hello-world
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: web
    - name: https
      protocol: TCP
      port: 443
      targetPort: web

Then just apply it:

$ kubect apply -f hello-world-service.yaml 
service/hello-world configured

And check on it to see the new port has been added:

$ kubectl -n example get services
NAME          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                       PORT(S)                      AGE
hello-world   LoadBalancer   cip-109-107-40-10.gb1.brightbox.com,cip-9fx19.gb1.brightbox.com   80:31473/TCP,443:30861/TCP   41m

And you’ll be able to reach the service via HTTPS now:

$ curl -I https://helloworld.fdns.uk
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: _hello_world_session...
X-Request-Id: 0859268d-168d-4ca2-9297-2bf4dc2118a0
X-Runtime: 0.003849

And you don’t even have to think about expiring certificates as the Brightbox Load Balancer service will handle renewing the certificate it automatically!

Scale it up

Finally, let’s pretend our hello world application suddenly became popular and we want to add more resources for it. This Kubernetes cluster already has 3 servers, so we can scale up the deployment to 2 and double the resources available to it.

So we take the deployment, currently configured to run just 1 pod:

$ kubectl -n example get deployment
hello-world   1/1     1            1           56m

And we tell it to scale up to 2:

$ kubectl -n example scale --replicas=2 deployment/hello-world
deployment.extensions/hello-world scaled

$ kubectl -n example get deployments
hello-world   1/2     2            1           58m

A second pod starts building:

$ kubectl -n example get pods
NAME                           READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
hello-world-55bdc6fd44-mg5ss   1/1     Running             0          58m
hello-world-55bdc6fd44-sdc26   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          4s

And once it’s ready, we’re done! The second pod is automatically added to the load balancer service ready to receive traffic.

Keep the Cloud IP

If the load balancer service allocates a CloudIP for you, it will keep track of it and remove it for you when the load balancer is deleted.

Sometimes that isn’t what you want. Fortunately the tracking mechanism is very simple: if the name given to the cloud IP is the same as the load balancer then it will be deleted at the same time as the load balancer.

To prevent that happening change the name of the Cloud IP via the Control Panel, the CLI or directly with the API.

Last updated: 21 Nov 2024 at 13:57 UTC

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