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Installing Kubernetes Metrics Server securely

The Kubernetes Metrics Server is service that can be run within Kubernetes to provide container resource metrics, such as CPU and RAM usage. Those metrics can then be used by the autoscaling system to add more capacity when it’s needed, or simply just viewed using kubectl top.

The Metrics Server can be difficult to install on kubeadm-managed clusters as it struggles a little with the PKI structure kubeadm puts in place.

You can work around the problem and install it in a semi-secure manner via helm

helm install --set 'args={--kubelet-insecure-tls}' --namespace kube-system metrics stable/metrics-server

Here the connection between the metrics-server and the API server is verified via the standard RBAC mechanisms in Kubernetes, but connections initiated from the API server to the metrics-server and from metrics-server to kubelet on each of the worker nodes remain unverified.

Surely we can do better than that?

It’s a bit involved, but yes we can.

Installing the Metrics Server securely

Setting up a secure channel to the Extension API

Metrics-server is an API extension service. This means that the apiserver container in Kubernetes talks to the metrics-server and asks it to perform tasks. To do that securely apiserver has to be able to validate the certificate that metrics server presents when apiserver asks for a connection and metrics-server has to be able to validate the client certificate apiserver presents alongside its connection request.

The first step is to generate a CA we can add to the caBundle attribute of the APIRequest object, and use it to sign a certificate that metrics-server serves when apiserver connects to it. Then append the CA to that certificate so the file contains both the serving certificate and the signing CA.

The serving certificate must use a Subject Additional Name (SAN) alongside the Common Name and the name must be metrics-server.kube-system.svc. Go from 1.15 onwards objects to using a Common Name only with a x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field error.

The certificate bundle and the private key should be added to a Kubernetes certificate secret and mounted in place on the metrics server pod so metrics-server can read the files.

You then get metrics-server to read the certificate and key by providing the following arguments


The client side - metrics-server talking to apiserver securely - is already setup via the RBAC and service account setups in the standard configuration.

The pattern above can be used to create a PKI secure connection to any API extension server and eliminate insecureSkipTLSVerify: true from the APIRequest object

Setting Up a secure channel to kubelet

Creating a secure connection to kubelet is rather more challenging. By default all the kubelets installed by kubeadm serve a self-signed certificate, which obviously cannot then be verified by metrics-server. Hence the --kubelet-insecure-tls flag in the workaround.

However you can ask kubelet to request a central signing certificate from the control plane by adding serverTLSBootstrap: true to the kubelet configuration (either directly or in the kubeadm config). Then when kubelet starts up it will request a certificate which you can view using kubectl get csr and approve with kubectl certificate approve.

Once kubelet is using a centrally allocated certificate, the metrics-server needs to be constrained and run on a master node so that it can mount and read the main control plane CA.

You can then get metrics-server to read the CA by passing the following argument


Once again the client side is already handled by the front-proxy process and kubelet has no trouble verifying the client certificate presented by the metrics-server.

Deploying secure metrics server using the Brightbox manifests

We’ve encapsulated the process within the Brightbox Kubernetes Terraform manifests. To build a cluster with kubelets using centrally signed certificates, set the secure_kublet variable to true. Remember to approve the kubelet certificates with kubectl as soon as you have access to the control plane.

Then generate the metrics-server signing certificates

sh examples/metrics/generate-cert.sh

And finally apply a kustomized manifest to load the secure metrics-server

kubectl apply -k examples/metrics

The code within the example metrics directory should be useable on any kubeadm installed Kubernetes cluster.

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