We’ve been busy updating our Passenger and Ruby packages for Ubuntu over the last week or so. Passenger 3.0.21 was released, primarily to address a security vulnerability (CVE-2013-2119) so we’ve updated all our stable package repositories with 3.0.21, and the associated NGINX packages too of course.
We’ve also built packages for the new major version of Passenger, v4.0.5. It’s currently in our experimental passenger repository, along with updated NGINX 1.2.9 packages.
Passenger 4 is now considered stable and fully released. 3.0.21 was Phusion’s last release for v3 and they recommend that everyone upgrade to v4. Once we’re happy our packages behave correctly we’ll push v4 packages to our main Passenger repositories. In the mean time, please feel free to test them out and feed back to us.
As of 9th May, Ubuntu ended support for the 8.04 LTS release (Hardy Heron) and no longer provides updates for it. We’re following their lead and will no longer be providing Ruby and Passenger updates for Hardy. We recommend upgrading to one of the current Long Term Support releases such as 10.04 Lucid or better still, 12.04 Precise.
We’re currently building all our packages for Lucid, Precise, Quantal and Raring.
We’ve built Ruby 1.9.3p429 packages, updating the p392 releases. They’re currently in the Ruby NG experimental repository, but we’ll get them copied to the stable repo very soon.
And finally, we’ve been working on Ruby 2.0.0p195 Ubuntu packages. 64bit builds are currently available in the Ruby NG experimental repository and 32bit builds should be following shortly. They’re completely stock upstream sources, no backports or extra performance patches. We’ll be rebuilding our Passenger 4 packages against them too.