The team at Phusion recently announced the first beta release of Passenger 4.0. It’s got some great new features, such as support for running multiple versions of Ruby at the same time and evented i/o.
We’ve built packages for this beta version for Ubuntu so you can start playing with it easily.
They’re on our Launchpad ppa:brightbox/passenger-experimental
repository -
installation docs are
available here.
The packages are currently built only for Ubuntu Lucid, Oneiric and Precise and will work with or without our Ubuntu Ruby NG packages (though we’d recommend them!).
They should work as fresh installs and as upgrades from our
stable v3 packages. You
might notice the passenger-common
packages have now all merged into
one ruby-passenger
packages, but that’ll all be handled
The package support both Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9.3 - you can just set
the Apache PassengerRuby
option to either ruby1.8
(or just ruby-switch
to change the default ruby
of course).
Please let us know about any success stories or problems at (you don’t have to be a Brightbox customer!)